
Zindagi Trust petition leads to IHC ban on corporal punishment

"It is noted that corporal punishments are not in consonance with the constitutionally guaranteed right of inviolability of dignity not with standing section 89 of the Pakistan Penal Code 1860."

Athar Minallah
Chief Justice, Islamabad High Court

"When a child is born he is beaten by his parents, when he goes to school by his teachers, when he grows older, by the SHO... But research shows that the use of violence only leads to more violence."

Shehzad Roy
Founder, Zindagi Trust

"Corporal punishment has extremely adverse effects on children's mental and physical health. Last year, a child passed away because of the use of corporal punishment in a school in Lahore. We want that the use of corporal punishment is banned while the parliament goes about making laws on the matter."

Shahabuddin Usto

Zindagi Trust has been campaigning to bring an end to this practice since 2013, when our Founder Shehzad Roy's TV show ChalParha and subsequent advocacy led to the National Assembly passing a bill criminalising corporal punishment, which unfortunately lapsed in the Senate. In the years since, the responsibility has been devolved to the provinces and Sindh has passed legislation against corporal punishment but much remains to be done to protect children across Pakistan.

This is a collective win for the Zindagi Trust family - we thank all our supporterswho enable us to sustain our work for a safer Pakistan for all our children.

Media Coverage

Gulf News
ARY News
Samaa TV
Urdu Point
Mashable Pakistan
Russia Today (RT)